Week 10 – Architectural Images / Place & Space

During our week 10 workshop, we were tasked with going out and taking pictures of buildings and other man-made forms of architecture. We mainly focused on areas around campus, specifically the art building. I enjoyed taking photos in this building very much, thanks to how unique it is. Below are a couple of images that I took from inside the building.

Architecture 1Architecture 3

As you can see, I preferred taking my photos in portrait, as I like to get a sense of height within them. What caught my eye was the way the building was set out itself. It was a pure white, windows in places where they wouldn’t usually be seen. The rainbow stairs, while obnoxious, were the first thing to catch my eye upon entering the art building. The vibrant colours in a pure white building set it out from any other location in the art building, so I just had to get a picture. There is one more picture that I have, which I didn’t actually take in the workshop, but I wanted to show anyway.

Architecture 2

This picture was taken on the art bridge, at night. I originally took a photo of the art bridge during the daytime, in our workshop, but I found it to be uninteresting and too many people were getting in the way, so I made a mental note to come back at night and retake the image, which resulted in a far more interesting photo than the original.


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